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Eugen Tarnow


    All-in-the-mailfile Access to Lotus Notes Archives

    Eugen Tarnow  May 20 2011 03:27:47 PM
    The more access that users have to their Lotus Notes archives, the more chance that users have to screw things up. Perhaps they may accidentally archive an archive or reply to an archive message, leading to an elusive message and likely a help-desk call.  
    These phenomena are certainly not users’ fault. Not everyone can be expected to use their workplace software optimally. That’s why Lotus Notes Administrators, the trained experts, are needed to begin with. However, if there is any way to make lives easier for both the users and the Lotus Notes administrators, then all the better. One way to do that is by giving users all-in-the-mailfile access to Lotus Notes archives.  
    With all-in-the-mailfile access to Lotus Notes archives, users will not ever have to directly access the archives. Rather, they would be able to view both their archived and non-archived mail from their inbox. Among other features, the Lotus Notes archiving module of the Reducemail Pro suite (Archive, Delete, Attach, Audit, e-Discovery, Journal) offers such all-in-the-mailfile access to Lotus Notes archives by displaying archived mail as a stub in each user’s mailbox. This intuitive design ensures that Lotus Notes administrators will have more control over Lotus Notes archives, and it simplifies the end-user experience.
    Lotus Notes is a vibrant mail platform with many features and capabilities. One of its best features, though, is the ease with which it can utilize new applications that make a great mail system even better. A mail management solution that provides all-in-the-mailfile access to Lotus Notes archives is the way for a company to improve its Lotus Notes archiving.
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