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Eugen Tarnow


ReduceMail Pro e-Discovery, New Lotus Notes Tool for Lawyers

Eugen Tarnow  June 23 2011 02:20:44 PM
Fair Lawn, NJ, June 21, 2011—ReduceMail Pro from Avalon Business Systems is an advanced mail management system for Lotus Notes and Domino, consisting of six separate modules (Archive, Delete, Attach, Audit, e-Discovery, Journal), which all solve different email-related problems. One of the biggest problems facing companies today is how to handle e-discovery, the legal process of producing electronic documents, particularly email. ReduceMail Pro e-Discovery, the newest module of ReduceMail Pro, which was released this year, is a new step forward in solving these problems, however, and one way it does so is by empowering the legal department instead of only IT.

Problems and Solutions for e-Discovery

After all, when most companies kept their records on paper, finding relevant documents in legal discovery was a much simpler task. Lawyers would sift through a pertinent filing cabinet and find what they needed for a case. There could be a large number of paper documents to examine but usually not anything unreasonable. That reality has changed, though. Most companies have come to use electronic media as a means of storing records. With email especially, there are far more documents generated than ever before, and they are located not simply in filing cabinets, but throughout a whole system, sometimes on outdated media that is difficult access. E-discovery, when attempted using the same manual methods used for conventional discovery, has proven quite challenging and expensive for a number of companies.

There are solutions already on the market that aid the e-discovery process, allowing IT staff to perform searches throughout a mailfile using keywords and other parameters. The IT department does not consist of legal experts, however, and it has other matters it could attend to than e-discovery. E-discovery, like conventional discovery, is a task that should be left up to legal department.

The newest module of the ReduceMail Pro, ReduceMail Pro e-Discovery is a repeatable Lotus Notes search and retrieval e-discovery tool
that can find specific documents in the email datastore. What makes it unique, however, is that it is designed to be used by the legal staff. With an interface that requires only minimal training from IT, ReduceMail Pro e-Discovery should allow the legal department to perform e-discovery with a greater degree of independence from IT than ever before. Legal staff can also place holds on particular users, so they cannot delete their email if it is being searched or if it is needed for a case. For more information, visit

About Avalon Business Systems

Avalon Business Systems is a leading provider of Lotus Notes and Domino technology and services with a specialization in Notes mail issues (archiving, removal and discovery). Founded in New York City in 1997, Avalon has helped to fill the need for highly specialized Lotus Notes and Domino capabilities among sophisticated business organizations and government agencies. Since its inception, Avalon has helped clients develop and manage their Lotus Notes and Domino technology through application development, strategic business solution implementation, and management of the Notes mail enterprise. Its technology products are second to none in delivering quality solutions, high return on investment, and state-of-the-art task management. All of its products are backed by extensive expertise in all aspects of Lotus Notes and Domino.

Contact Information

Eugen Tarnow
Director of Consulting

Edward Reep

Marketing Director

Avalon Business Systems, Inc.
19-03 Maple Avenue
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
SOURCE Avalon Business Systems
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