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Eugen Tarnow


    Manage Mail as You Manage Operations

    Eugen Tarnow  April 23 2011 05:43:40 PM
    Oftentimes people complain that their co-workers, instead of speaking to them in person about something, email them, and conversations that would have taken a minute become protracted reply-laden monstrosities. This is a valid complaint, and there will always be room in the workplace for traditional human contact, even if the current generation of social-media-addicted college students may suggest otherwise. It is almost quaint at this point in time, however, to state that communicating by email does have its advantages.

    Email infrastructures have for a number of years been vital parts of companies and organizations. If every email system suddenly went offline, many workers would have a tremendously difficult time of conducting business. There certainly is every reason to keep email systems well-managed and optimally structured, especially with the existence Federal Laws regarding the retention of electronic data. After all, companies and organizations hire consultancies and management efficiency experts to make sure that their operations are lean and mean. Why not do the same for email systems?  

    The Reducemail Pro Suite (Archive, Delete, Attach, Audit, e-Discovery, Journal), though no more than software, is still like the smart, determined, and well-dressed management consultant for Lotus Notes and Domino. With its six modules, it is a mail-management solution that greatly improves the features and functions of IBM’s email system. Reducemail Pro Archive and Delete keep the mail file lean and enforce retention policies.  Reducemail Pro Attach consolidates and compresses attachments, enhancing DAOS in Lotus Notes 8.5. Reducemail Pro Audit and e-Discovery aid with legal searches and discovery, and Reducemail Pro Journal enhances Lotus Notes’ native journaling.    

    Take a look at Reducemail Pro. Perhaps try a demo of it. A company or organization that makes good use of Lotus Notes and Domino only stands to gain.

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