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Eugen Tarnow


    Clouding the Issues

    Eugen Tarnow  April 30 2011 09:08:18 AM
    It’s not yet old news that Amazon experienced serious problems with its EC2 cloud service. Some very hot websites, which trusted Amazon’s servers, went offline for a time. Information on the “The Cloud” is not in fact perfectly safe. It may seem perfectly safe at times, but Amazon’s experience shows such is an illusion. Machines can break down, and networks can stop working, whether in-house or outsourced.

    The question for organizations is really one of control, especially regarding email. Many companies that use Lotus Notes and Domino have moved to cloud-based email systems or are considering it. Do these companies really want email out of their hands, though? Think of what is contained in the countless messages. Do these companies want valuable proprietary information on external servers? Do they want to risk losing access to legally-required documents in a failure like Amazon’s? At least off “The Cloud,” a company knows what’s going on and can always do something about any problem.    

    Even cloud-based or outsourced mail-management is dubious. The same question of control is present. Especially if there are legal concerns, does an organization really want to put responsibility for things like searches and retention policies with another entity?  In contrast, the Reducemail Pro suite (Archive, Delete, Attach, Audit, e-Discovery, Journal) represents a software-based mail-management solution for Lotus Notes and Domino. Running on top of IBM’s software, the modules of Reducemail Pro are for use by the Lotus Notes administrator, ensuring that a company can have the utmost control and security over its email datastore.

    Managing email is becoming more and more relevant for organizations. Don’t trust it to “The Cloud,” which Amazon’s fiasco has brought down from its pedestal. Reducemail Pro is the secure solution for companies that like to know what's going on.  

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