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Eugen Tarnow


    Guest blogger Michelle Fine: e-discovery survey results

    Eugen Tarnow  May 25 2010 03:58:29 PM
    I recently came across a post on another e-discovery blog which surveys various “users” of e-discovery technology. The link is here: Too Much Information

    I found this interesting for two reasons: First, users still want to do at least some of the work in-house before resorting to outside vendors. This is unsurprising in that outsourcing of this critical function does lead to loss of control over the data and spiralling costs. Second, the purchase and use of the various e-discovery products and services is not uniform. Users recognize that point solutions, software and services are often better than all-in-one packages and they have not gravitated toward any one type of solution. The e-discovery conundrum, which at first appeared to be a somewhat one-size-fits-all type of market, is turning out to be very open to different models of compliance and production.

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