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Eugen Tarnow


    The Notes Admin 3

    Eugen Tarnow  June 24 2011 07:03:00 AM
    Read The Notes Admin and The Notes Admin 2, if you have not already.

    Isaac B. Markowitz ran Reducemail Pro Archive throughout the months after his company acquired Reducemail Pro, and in doing so, Isaac was able to reduce mail file sizes across the board, saving so much disk space that his company was able to avert some unwanted hardware purchases. That’s just one example, though, of how Isaac was able to help his company out. Many people found their lives thankfully easier because of Reducemail Pro’s many mail management functions.

    One of these people who found their lives thankfully easier was Linda Nathan, a lawyer who was saved from a tedious manual mail file search by Reducemail Pro e-Discovery. She wanted to thank Isaac personally and came to his office one day.

    “Damn, another lawyer to yell at me,” thought Isaac as she came in.

    “No. I’m not here to yell at you,” Linda said, literally reading Isaac’s mind. “I’m here to thank you. You can’t believe how much you’ve helped out legal with your acquisition of ReduceMail Pro. There’s no better way to do a Lotus Notes search short of using robotic extra-terrestrial slaves from the future.”

    “How were you able to read my mind?” demanded Isaac. “I’m tired of inexplicable occurrences around here ever since I traveled through time.”

    “I’m slightly telepathic,” Linda said, and as she said that, she gazed into his eyes, and love began to simmer in her blood as she saw more and more of the beauty he had on the inside. He had been misunderstood his whole career as a Lotus Notes administrator, but she understood him and how he really felt. “There’s something wonderful about a man who knows technology and can control it and manage it.”

    Isaac also looked into Linda’s eyes, and love began to simmer in his blood. Lotus Notes had been his only romance, but now he saw something just as good, if not better, and this something was not a thing but a person.

    “Would you like to go out for dinner?” Isaac asked Linda.

    “I would love to,” she replied and almost blew him a kiss as she left her phone number on his desk and tiptoed out the door.

    “I better manage my mail at home too.”

    Tags: reducemail pro lotus notes domino archiving discovery e-discovery

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