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Eugen Tarnow


Kill-It-Dead Deletions

Eugen Tarnow  July 19 2011 11:21:21 AM
Lotus Notes has two native deletions. There are soft deletions in which a user still has a window of time to retrieve a document after they delete it. Then, there are hard deletions, which are pretty much permanent, but if a user does not synchronize the deletion, copies of the deleted document can still exist in other databases. For companies that want to make sure deleted documents are no more, whether for security or space-saving purposes, incomplete hard deletions can be problematic. The document that won’t die can be like a thorn in the side, burdening storage media and creating unnecessary complications in litigation.

Fortunately, though, there is a way to make sure that hard deletions eliminate their target, whether or not the user chooses to synchronize it. That is with the Kill-It-Dead deletion, a specially designed Lotus Notes deletion process developed for ReduceMail Pro Delete and ReduceMail Pro Archive. The Kill-It-Dead deletion acts like a hard deletion, except that it makes sure to remove the content from all copies of the targeted document on any database, whether or not the user chooses to synchronize the deletion. Truly, a document subjected to a Kill-It-Dead deletion has ceased to be in any meaningful form.

Apply an iron fist to documents that need deleting, no mercy. Kill them dead.

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